Sarah Bradford

Jun 10, 20205 min

An ongoing list of educational resources for both parents & kids on race & anti-racism.

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

There is absolutely NO place for hatred or bigotry in our LUNA family or in our world. It is our duty to do the work to dismantle racism, and raise antiracist children. Doing the work that will lead to real change goes beyond a social post, a donation, or simply reading a book. While all of these things are IMPORTANT, the real work starts within. That means doing the deeply uncomfortable work of searching within ourselves and examining our own biases, thoughts, beliefs, and ways in which we have been complacent, then actively working to change those beliefs, actions, and inactions. It starts within our own circles, speaking up and speaking out, taking a stand against racism, calling others out on acts of racism and microagressions, checking our own, & teaching our children by educating them, exposing them to the experiences of others, and leading by example. Below is an ongoing list of some incredible resources to check out for yourself, your children, and ways to get involved.

LUNA stands in solidarity with the Black community. We are listening, learning, and speaking out. We are donating to a different Black maternal health organization every month. (You can view which ones below and donate too!) BLACK LIVES MATTER.





Black womxn are 4-5 times more likely to die during pregnancy and childbirth than white womxn and women of other races. In the last year, this statistic has INCREASED as much as 12x in some areas such as New York. This MUST change. Below is our continually growing list of some incredible Black maternal health organizations who are fighting to make a change. Please consider donating to these incredible organizations.

  • Black Mamas Matter - BMMA is a Black womxn led cross-sectoral alliance working to advance Black maternal health, rights, and justice. Donate HERE.

  • National Black Midwives Alliance - The NBMA is helping to eliminate disparities in U.S. perinatal health, supports legislative efforts led by Black midwives & their allies, and advocates for educational pathways for Black student midwives. Donate HERE.

  • National Black Doulas Association - The NBDA connects Black birthing families with Black doulas nationwide. The overall mission of NBDA is to help fight the Black maternal mortality rate in this country and beyond, through educational development and empowerment. Connect // donate HERE

  • National Birth Equity Collaboration - The National Birth Equity Collab. creates solutions to optimize Black infant and maternal health through research, training, policy advocacy and community-centered collaboration. Donate HERE


These incredible womxn are just some of the powerful Black female voices out there that are sharing their powerful truths, voices, and experience. Follow them on Instagram, check out their courses, listen to their stories, share their stories, and learn from them.

Dr. Jazmine McCoy is a psychologist and mother of two toddlers and her core message on racism is this: It is simply not enough to offer children a few books or conversations about racism and expect change if you don’t first do the work within yourself. She has called white influencers to task in the most constructive, actionable terms, empowering everyone in the parenting space to use their voice and their platform to take action and spread this message of accountability in the fight against racism. Your message won’t be perfect and the process will be messy, but she’s here to challenge and lead you along the way.

Layla F. Saad is a New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author, anti-racism educator, international speaker, and podcast host on the topics of race, identity, leadership, personal transformation and social change. She is the author of "Me & White Supremacy" a must read workbook for all white people.

Rachel Cargle is a public academic, writer, and lecturer. Her activism and academic work are rooted in providing intellectual discourse, tools, and resources that explore the intersection of race and womanhood. On her social media platforms Rachel guides conversations, encourages critical thinking and nurtures meaningful engagement with people all over the world.

Charnaie Gordon is a diversity and inclusion expert and mother of two based in Connecticut. She’s also the woman behind Here Wee Read, a site dedicated to promoting kids’ books about diversity and inclusion, as well as the literacy initiative 50 Books 50 States, which sends her book selections to kids across America. Her Instagram account should be the first stop for parents seeking thoughtful, age-appropriate reading material about racism and diversity for kids--but do not let it be the last stop.

Rachel Rogers is an executive coach and mother of three who, in addition to helping entrepreneurs scale their businesses to million-dollar enterprises through her company, is also a longtime advocate for workplace diversity and promoting the advancement of women of color in business. Her recent IGTV video on “The Good White Liberal Response” during this crisis is something every well-meaning white ally should watch. Follow Rachel’s account for smart career advice, perspectives on being a successful working mom, and essential advice on building a diverse and inclusive business.

As an entrepreneur, anti-racism educator, podcast host, and mother of two, Monique Melton is a leader in education and discourse relating to white privilege and dismantling racism within ourselves, our families, and societal systems. Her online courses dig deep on these issues and her Instagram account provides direct and nuanced takes on key issues as well as the problematic mistakes and misconceptions she sees happening as more people get involved in this conversation and movement. Follow her and do the work.

Tracie Collins is a mother of two, and the producer mother and host of the Healthy Black Girl podcast, a series focused on all aspects of black women’s health & well-being. She is also founder and CEO of National Black Doulas Association, connecting Black birthing families with Black doulas nationwide.